7 Reasons you should start yoga today


The older I get, the more I've understood the importance of taking care of myself both physically and mentally. Yoga has been my go-to practice for this purpose, and I've found myself relying on it more and more.

Initially, it was my anxiety that led me to yoga, but I quickly discovered that it helps me in many ways. Through daily practice, I've experienced the benefits of yoga on my mind, body, and spirit.

I understand that yoga may not be for everyone, but I truly believe that if you commit to a weekly practice, you too could see the benefits. You don't have to love it as much as I do, but taking the time to care for yourself and prioritize your well-being can make all the difference.

I’ve taken some time to outline the benefits of a practicing yoga regularly:

1.      Improved flexibility: One of the most obvious benefits of a regular yoga practice is increased flexibility. As you move through different poses, your muscles and joints stretch and become more flexible.

2.      Reduced stress and anxiety: Yoga is known to be an effective stress reliever. It can help calm your mind, slow down your breath, and reduce anxiety and stress levels.

3.      Improved strength and balance: Yoga requires you to hold poses for extended periods of time, which helps build strength in your muscles. Additionally, practicing balancing poses can improve your balance and stability.

4.      Better sleep: Practicing yoga before bed can help you relax and fall asleep faster. Some yoga poses are specifically designed to help you unwind and calm your mind, making it easier to get a good night's rest. Read more about my routine here.

5.      Increased mindfulness: Yoga requires you to be present in the moment and focus on your breath and movements. This mindfulness can carry over into other aspects of your life, helping you stay more focused and present.

6.      Improved cardiovascular health: Certain types of yoga, such as vinyasa and power yoga, can get your heart rate up and improve your cardiovascular health.

7.      Alleviate pain and discomfort: Yoga can help alleviate pain and discomfort in your body. For example, gentle stretching can relieve tight muscles, and certain poses can help alleviate back pain.

 So why not give yoga a try? Whether you're looking to alleviate stress, increase flexibility, or just improve your overall health, there's a style of yoga out there for everyone. Find what works for you and make it a part of your self-care routine.

If you haven’t tried yoga before, my classes are beginner friendly, it can take a while to learn the postures, but you will soon get the hang of it. If you are keen to join me regularly, why not purchase my 6 class pass for £60 (£10 per a class).

Learn more about my classes here.


My Yoga Journey


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