4 steps to a better sleep

‘Sleep is the best meditation’ - Dalai Lama

There is no better feeling than waking up after a good night’s sleep but how often do we get that luxury?!

With 1 in 3 of us are suffering from poor sleep, stress, computers and bringing work home is to blame according to the NHS. If we continue to sleep less we will be at higher risk of serious medical conditions that shorten our life expectancy.

If you are sleeping poorly, or could do with nodding off quicker, there are 4 things I do that make a difference in how I feel as I drift off to sleep…


Reduce your caffeine intake

Something I have noticed is if I have a coffee after 2pm, by 10pm I am asking myself my I can’t get to sleep?! According American Academy of Sleep Medicine, due to the long lasting effects of caffeine in the body, we shouldn’t be consuming coffee six hours before you’re usual bedtime. Remember, we are all different. My reaction to coffee could be stronger, or weaker than yours. Perhaps test this, how do you feel when you consume coffee later?

It’s an easy habit to come out of, and if you do get that afternoon lull like many of us do, try green tea or matcha tea (which also has many benefits!)


30 minutes before bed just for you

Time to myself away from screens is a blessing. 30 minutes for me, usually in the form of a shower or bath, then maybe some cuddles with my dog Paddy. I decompress and let go of the day. It’s also the time I do my gratitude list, here’s how I do this…

  1. I start to focus on my heart, breathing deeply and slowly.

  2. I begin to think of one thing I am thankful for in my life.

  3. Repeating it three times in my mind, followed by thank you thank you thank you.

  4. I repeat this two more times, so in total I think of three things I am grateful for.

Often I think of someone I love, something that is happening presently, something nature has provided & something I own.


Aromatherapy blend

I have a passion for aromatherapy and find that by lighting a candle or putting my roller blend on adds an extra level of relaxation to my evening. I make my own blends and find that lavender with rosemary has a calming effect on me. You could always add in a cheeky foot massage, mixing lavender oil with a carrier oil and rubbing them into your feet (place socks on immediately & leave to sink into your skin).

How to: Benefits & How To Do A Grounding Ayurveda Foot Massage – Mauli Rituals

Restorative yoga

Lastly what I am known for… yoga! It’s not great to be doing your sun salutations just before hopping into bed so I recommend some restorative postures. This usually includes long deep breathes in child’s pose, supine twist, pigeon and happy baby. I pair my yoga with calming playlist that I put on just before bed.

 You can listen to my recommended playlist here….



Good sleep is essential to our overall wellbeing. It’s free to do & who doesn’t love a good kip?! It’s an investment worth taking, try just 15 minutes a night to wind down before hitting the pillow. These are just some of the activities that work best to help me unwind and relax. Why not try some, and maybe it will lead you to find a bedtime routine that suits you & your lifestyle.


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