Spring Journal Prompts

As we enter this magical month, I ask you to come into it with an open mind… and journal.

This month we encounter Spring Equinox (the arrival of spring & lighter days) on Monday 20th March, as well as the New Moon in Aries on Tuesday 21st March. Aries is the first astrological sign, and so a New Moon in Aries is an ideal time to start something new.

From now until then, we are encouraged to think about new beginnings, plant those seeds, and tend to them. Another way of thinking about it is to act and move with intention. As a starting point, begin in the present moment, reflect where you are now and consider where you’d like to evolve short term?


Here are some journaling prompts for March…

What three things am I truly grateful for today?




What do I look forward to most daily?

What do I look forward to most weekly?

Where do I feel most like myself?

Who/what makes me feel the best version of me?

How do I want to feel every day?

How do I want to spend my time?

Is there a goal I am working towards this year?

When can I work on this goal?

What do the steps look like to achieve this goal? (think small)

What do you want to let go of to make room for expansion?

Write down three compliments to yourself




Top Tip: It’s important that we act on our plans, keep your goals small and achievable.


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