Reflect nature this winter

Most year’s I start 2023 with a drink in my hand dancing in the living room, which then of course leads to a day on the sofa not feeling my best self. This year was entirely different because I wasn’t very well, which meant I spent the start of 2023 in bed. To tell you the truth it was a relief. Of course I have always enjoyed the fancy food, the bubbles and my husband’s company. But this year there were no expectations, and I woke up knowing I had put my health first. I’d like this to continue into January 2023.

When December passes, there is a feeling of change in the air. We take down the decorations, we’ve drunk all the wine, and eaten all the rich foods.  It’s like a fresh page in our story. But it’s not. We still have our thoughts and our bodies, which may be carrying all sorts into 2023. That’s why it’s important not to see this time as a renewal, but still a time of nurturing. We are still in winter, if we look to nature, we see animals are still hibernating, the weather is cold, and wet, and the garden isn’t growing. We can reflect nature by nurturing ourselves, staying warm and rested! Not focusing on growth and abundance, but taking care of what we have. Perphaps use this as a time to think about the year ahead, maybe get to know yourself better through quieting the mind! It’s vital that we take the pressure away of a new year, new me, and focus on taking good care of your soul until the lighter and warmer days come. To help you reflect I’ve jotted down some journal prompts that may help…

  1. How can I best look after myself during the Winter?

  2. What are the three things I need to do daily to stay healthy?

  3. How do I like to spend my free time when it’s the weather is bad & good?

  4. What one thing would I like to receive during this time of reflection?

  5. What are you grateful for today?


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