Finding balance with yin and yang energy

I like combining soft, slow, and strong and fiery when creating an asana. Using both Yin (slow and restorative) and Yang (strong flow) postures. 

This got me thinking about how contrast is good for us, that mixing the two energies creates balance, ultimately what we all want. 

In the world of Yin and Yang energy, Yang represents the fiery and passionate force that comes from the sun. It is action and accomplishment igniting our inner fire and propelling us forward. Yang energy is about taking steps and making things happen in our lives.

When practising yoga, Yang energy can be harnessed through dynamic and active poses such as Sun Salutations or invigorating flows. These practices help to awaken our bodies, energise our minds, and cultivate strength and resilience. Yang yoga is a way to express our vitality and tap into our inner power. It encourages us to be proactive and driven, fuelling our ambition and pushing us towards personal growth and achievement. Yang energy reminds us that we have the power to create the life we desire.

Beyond the yoga mat, we can embrace Yang energy in our daily lives:

  • Setting goals

  • High-intensity exercise

  • Cooking a fresh meal

  • Cleaning your house

  • Acting on your passions

On the other side of the spectrum, Yin energy represents the cool and calm essence of the moon. It is the energy of stillness and acceptance, inviting us to embrace the present moment and surrender to what is. Yin energy teaches us the art of allowing and letting go. 

In yoga, Yin energy is created through gentle and passive poses held for longer durations. These poses encourage deep relaxation, introspection, and the release of tension in both the body and mind. Yin yoga provides an opportunity to cultivate inner peace and restore balance to our energy. 

It reminds us of the importance of listening to our bodies, nurturing ourselves, and creating space for inner calm and rejuvenation. Yin energy teaches us to be patient and compassionate with ourselves and others, accepting life's challenges with grace and resilience.

In our daily lives, embracing Yin energy means:

  • Meditation

  • Quiet moments

  • Self-care

  • Rest

Yoga offers a powerful framework for embodying the principles of Yin and Yang energy, both on and off the mat. By integrating both energies, we can experience a harmonious and balanced life.

We can bring the wisdom of Yin and Yang into our daily lives by recognising when to take action and when to pause and reflect. It means finding the delicate equilibrium between doing and being, between pushing forward and surrendering to the flow of life. Embracing both Yin and Yang energy enables us to navigate life with a sense of ease and grace.

Just as the sun and moon rely on each other for the rhythm of day and night, we too need both energies to thrive. By honouring the gentle acceptance of Yin and the fiery drive of Yang, we can create a life that is aligned, fulfilling, and full of joy.


My Yoga Journey