5 yoga poses to get you ready for a productive day

It can be difficult to will yourself out of bed ordinarily, but on a busy day?! You especially want to stay in bed all day, and if you do eventually get up, you then sub-consciously put off that to-do list by procrastinating. Other more manageable tasks suddenly seem so important.

You need a go-to action plan so that productive days don’t seem so overwhelming.

The night before a busy day, I try to prepare myself as much as possible. I write a list & ensure that I have everything I need by the front door. I used to rely on coffee to then wake me up on the day. Coffee doesn’t clear the mind; it doesn’t open my body or leave me feeling refreshed. But yoga does!

You can get a lot more done if you welcome the day with open arms, as opposed to resisting the tasks ahead. Opening the body and mind will help you with embracing what lies ahead. I have solidified my morning practice into 5 of my favourite yoga poses, that I believe help me be productive. These postures have many benefits that just can’t compete with coffee or an energy drink.

Please note: These postures are not for anyone who is pregnant and experiencing any pain or serious health issues in the body. Please consult a doctor if you have any concerns in your body’s ability to practice yoga.

My 5 poses:

Child’s Pose ~ Balasana

By giving your spine, thighs, hips, and ankles a good stretch, you are relieving any tension stored in the muscles. With your head lowered, you’ll receive increased blood flow to head. This posture is also wonderful for digestion as you experience light compression on the stomach. Lastly, when paired with deep inhalation and exhalation the pose calms your mind, reduces feelings of anxiety and tiredness.


-        Let your forehead become heavy and feel the release in the back and hips.

-        Let your knees go as wide as the mat & toes together with arms extended out front

-        Or knees and toes together with arms by your side

Cobra ~ Bhujangasana

Coming into cobra fires up your digestive system ahead of the day, whilst also giving your upper body stretch and toning the glutes. This opens the heart & lungs as well as strengthening the spine. It’s wonderful posture to keep your back in overall good health.  

Begin lying down with your hands underneath your shoulders. Before your rise into Cobra feel the compression of your belly against the earth as you breathe. This will fire up your digestion system ahead of the day.

-        Ground down into the hands for support

-        As you begin to lift the forehead, shoulders, chest and upper abdomen.

-        Receiving an upper body stretch & core stimulation.

-        Activate the legs and buttocks, strengthening your glutes.

Cat-Cow ~ Chakravakasana

Cow Pose

Cat Pose

Wake up the spine in Cat-Cow. When you flex and extend the spine, you can improve the circulation in the discs in your back.  If you’re day ahead includes A LOT of sitting down, this ideal for you. It’s also another posture beneficial in maintaining a healthy back. The spinal fluid is released up and down the spine, sending nutrients to your cells & removing toxins.

-Begin to sync the breath with the movement.

- Inhale, as you dip the belly, raise your head & hips.

- Exhale as you arch the spine, gaze toward the navel, and tucking the hips.

- Push the ground away with your hands on the mat.

Thread the needle ~ Urdhva Mukha Pasasana

With this heart opener receive a great stretch through the shoulders and chest. A deep but gentle stretch to increase your upper body mobility and loosens the muscles in the lumbar.

It also releases strain in the upper back, and between the shoulder blades. Leaving you to feel refreshed.

- Flow into thread the needle at your own pace.

- Reaching for the sky, and then threading your arm under and across your body.

- Let your shoulder come to the ground, and the side of your head to follow.

- Supporting yourself with the opposite arm grounded.

Happy Baby ~ Ananda Balasana

Because who doesn’t love happy baby? You’ll receive a great stretch in the hips, inner thigs, hamstrings and groin. You’ll experience a release in the back and lower spine. This is wonderful for stress and fatigue relief. Benefiting your emotional and physical health.


-        Let your spine kiss the earth, rising your feet towards the sky and clasping onto your

feet or back of your knees.

-        Directing the knees towards the armpits.

-        Include a gentle rock from side to side to wake up the spine if it feels good to do so.

I have found that these 5 yoga postures to be very beneficial to prepare and wake my mind, body, and soul up for a productive day ahead. My best advice is to listen to your body, notice how you feel when you do these stretches and adjust accordingly.


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